Maintain direct communication with your clients to provide support, answer questions, and collect feedback, ensuring they stay on track and enjoy their training journey.
No credit card required.
Keep all client interactions in one place to save time and energy.
Send and receive videos and images to instruct clients and monitor technique.
Set up email and browser notifications for when clients reach out.
The training variables (exercises, sets, weights, reps, and RPE) load automatically in the app. Your client's job is to mark each set as complete as they go through the workout.
Clients can access their chat with you through the Coach tab in Hevy app. They can access their full chat history, send messages and files, and be notified when you reach out.
Custom notes you add to exercises to clarify something, remind your clients of important cues, or add helpful information is displayed below the name of the exercise for them.
Your clients can click on any exercise to track their week to week progress and previous best performances (like a 1RM or best set volume), neatly displayed on a graph.
Keeping all client interactions organized can get difficult, especially when using multiple platforms like social media and email. Switching between platforms, finding old important messages, and remembering where chats with specific clients are can get exhausting.
The great thing about our personal training software is that it centralizes your interactions, allowing you to switch between conversations, find messages, and provide timely support without wasting time or energy.
Clients can send you videos from their training, allowing you to examine their form, scan for errors, and provide feedback. This is particularly valuable for online coaches who don’t interact with clients in the real world.
For example, you can have a client film the last three sets of squats to see how their form and range of motion hold up as they get tired and close to failure.
You can send videos to clients with feedback, guidance, and suggestions for improving technique. For example, if a client struggles to understand written instructions, you can film a quick instructional video on how to do a movement, correct a mistake, or set up better.
Additionally, you can send images and links to helpful resources, such as blog articles or YouTube videos.
Forget about checking Hevy Coach every five minutes to see if you have new messages. Simply set up email and browser notifications when a client reaches out, and you will be notified instantly.
To do so, head over to Settings on the left-hand side menu, navigate to Notifications, and enable the Client sends you a message option.
Also, ensure that notifications are enabled for a client by visiting their profile and going to Settings (top right) to see if they are active (they are by default).
New clients are added to your chats tab. You can click on their name to start a new chat. If a client doesn’t automatically appear there, you can use the search field to find them by name or email.
To access your chats, navigate to Chats on the left-hand side menu or find the section at the bottom right.
Yes, the Hevy Coach chat lets you exchange image and video files with your clients.
Notifications are enabled for new clients by default, but you can double-check by going to their profile, navigating to Settings (top right), and finding the Notifications option.
To activate notifications in general, go to Settings on the left hand side menu, navigate to Notifications, and enable the ones you want.
You can enable browser notifications by navigating to Settings and clicking the Enable Notifications button under Enable Browser Notifications. Then, activate the Client sends you a message option below.
You can select a particular chat and scroll up to see all previous messages you’ve sent and received, along with the date and time for each message.
The simplest option is to navigate to Settings (menu on the left) and disable the Client sends you a message notification option. Alternatively, you can mute notifications from specific clients by going to their profiles, navigating to Settings (top right), and deactivating the Receive notifications for this client option.
Yes. To do so, hover over a message, click the three dots icon, and select Delete Message.
Create workout plans from scratch and set a duration with drag-and-drop functionality.
Build workouts using movements from our library or by creating your own custom exercises.