Assemble Detailed Bodybuilding Plans That Work
Forget about spreadsheets and trying to make sense of countless functions you don’t even need. Hevy Coach’s intuitive workout builder allows you to create bodybuilding programs by choosing exercises from the library (or adding custom ones) and selecting the training variables: number of sets, target weight, reps, rest periods, and RPE targets.
You can leave custom notes inside workouts or for individual exercises and even mark certain sets as drop set or to failure.
You can assign each workout plan with the click of a mouse and make quick changes based on your client’s progress and feedback.
Answer All Questions Far Quicker
Hevy Coach has a built-in chat that makes it far easier to organize all interactions with your bodybuilders. That way, you can quickly see each new message, respond to questions on time, collect feedback, and refer to old conversations when necessary.
Your clients can also send videos from their bodybuilding training so that you can easily review their range of motion, tempo, and effort to provide advice and make corrections if needed.
Gain In-Depth Performance and Progress Insight
Hevy Coach has everything you need to track your clients’ bodybuilding progress. You can track their performance on each workout and examine their progress on individual movements by reviewing data from as far back as you want.
Our coaching platform also provides advanced training volume statistics, a breakdown of which muscles are trained the most, and how much time they spend training.
You can also keep track of your bodybuilders’ body weight, body fat, and body measurements to ensure their training and nutrition align and bring them closer to their goals, be it during the offseason or when preparing to step on stage.