Build Effective Powerlifting Programs
Hevy Coach makes strength program building easy, as it allows you to put together workouts by adding movements from the library (or adding custom activities) and adjusting the training variables: the primary lifts and variations, number of sets, target reps, what load to lift on each set, rest periods, and what RPE to target.
You can select how long the program should last, assign it to one or more powerlifters, and tweak training variables based on individual progression and feedback.
Enjoy Streamlined Communication With Your Powerlifting Clients
Staying in touch with your athletes makes all the difference, as it allows you to get feedback for your programs, respond to questions, and provide personalized guidance.
Hevy Coach has a built-in chat that keeps all discussions in one place, making it easier to see who’s messaged you. As a result, you can respond promptly and not waste time or energy jumping between platforms to see your clients’ messages.
Your powerlifting athletes can attach videos of their training and send them through the chat for you to review their setup, form, and effort.
Track Your Powerlifters’ Strength Progress With Ease
Hevy Coach simplifies progress tracking and eliminates the need for complex spreadsheets by providing all the powerlifting data you need. The exercise statistics section lets you review each client’s current workout program and gain in-depth insight into their strength performance on any lift.
Review the performance from any date and look into the advanced statistics to see a breakdown of how many sets they’ve done and what movements they’ve done the most. You can also easily see when one of your powerlifters sets a new PR by doing more reps or lifting a new top weight.
Hevy Coach also allows you to track your client’s body weight, body fat, and measurements to help them optimize their body composition and reach their goal weight for upcoming competitions.