Create Customized Strength Training Plans For Your Clients
Hevy Coach allows you to quickly assemble strength training plans by picking movements from the library or creating unlimited custom ones and assigning them to individual workouts. You can select the number of sets and reps, assign rest periods, and even provide RPE targets.
Leave custom notes for individual workouts or movements to provide clarification or remind clients of specific cues when doing some movements, and easily assign each strength plan you create to one or more clients.
Once you’ve assigned a program to a client, you can make small or large changes based on individual performance or preferences.
Keep Your Coach-Client Interactions Organized
As a strength coach, a big part of your job is to stay in touch with your clients, respond to their questions, and collect feedback. One issue is that communication can often be frustrating and scattered across multiple platforms.
Hevy Coach solves this issue by keeping all coach-client interactions in one place. That way, you can more easily see new messages, respond on time, and refer to previous conversations when building workout plans.
Track Strength Performance, Effort, and Technique With Hevy Coach
Our strength coaching platform has built-in analytics that provide all the training data you need to see how each client is doing. Monitor your clients at a glance to see who is active and dive into the data to analyze individual strength training performance on every movement you assign.
Clients can also attach videos from their training and send them through Hevy Coach’s chat for you to review their technique and effort. When combined with the in-depth performance breakdown, you can gain a much better idea of how each trainee is doing.